Monday, October 31, 2011

October 30, 2011

"May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done.” _Ruth 2:12,NLT-

This was said to Ruth by Boaz, her future husband. He saw from this woman great qualities and he knew what she did for her mother-in-law. In short, Ruth did the right things and made the best choice when she chose to be with God and His people.

Things will really fall into places when we make God our refuge. When we completely entrust to Him our lives which of course He graciously lends us everyday. Bad things may happen here and there but we are assured that God knows what is happening and He sees everything.

I will remember this verse and take this as one of His beautiful promises. I will just do good all by His grace so I can glorify His name and give Him honor. Knowing that someday, I will have my reward from Him. Not only for the reward will I do good but also for the love of Him and obedience to Him.

Lord, thank You for letting me read about Ruth again. I want to become like her, compassionate, loving, loyal and diligent. I want her to become my role-model.

Thank You Lord that I am assured that if I bring myself under Your wings things will just fall into places no matter what.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October 30, 2011

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
-1 Corinthians 10:31, NLT-

Dear Lord,

Did I glorify You again? Lord, this morning I had this urge to just fool around and I ended up going to the mall. I bought books again. I just love books but I lost some money again. I feel guilty about it. I mean, those were just loans from my mother and the money that is not yet with me is already "pawned" to her. Lord, this is shameful. I should have just saved those money for worse days. Lord, in everything be it in my finances or other areas of life, kindly give me wisdom and self-control. Let me do things for Your glory. Yet, I thank You for somehow not much money has been put into waste. I was able to find some good books that I can use for my study and leisure time. But I am thinking. With the rate of speed of my spending, no wonder I lose significant amount of resources.

Father, it is indeed true that You give us three valuable resources: time, money and our talents. Help me use each of them for Your glory, to help others, to make this world a better place. Lord, I believe that the reason I am still alive is because You want me to do something to let others know about You and live my life glorifying You.

Father, give me more wisdom. Lord, I am reminded of my debts. I will still pay for them. Give me wisdom Father God to use all my resources in godly ways, not wasteful ones. So that in everything that I do, I may glorify You and You alone.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Working For Good

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." -Romans 8:28, NLT-

Things sometimes do not happen the way we want them to. Sometimes setbacks happen and we get frustrated. But then as long as we know that God has a plan for our lives and everything works together for good then we can have an easier acceptance of things that happen to us.

I am not really feeling well now but God has a reason for this. All I need to do is to obey Him and trust Him completely with all my heart. I may not fully understand things but tomorrow and the days to come, I will. And I have learned my lessons. People are indeed more important than our selfish ambitions.

When I became a team leader, I was not so happy about the role but I had to accept it. Now, I have realized that God uses me in this area to show my concern and my love for others. Even to those who are not seemingly so. I am happy that God has been transforming me form glory to glory. All I need to do is just simply trust Him and completely at that.

Everything works together for our good. For my good. All I need to do is to obey and just obey. Be more faithful and just serve others the way God wants me to.

Lord, everything indeed works together for our good. And we simply just need to trust.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Isaiah 49:14-15

"Yet Jerusalem says, “The Lord has deserted us; the Lord has forgotten us.” “Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne?
But even if that were possible,I would not forget you!" -Isaiah 49:14-15, NLT-

I was having some bouts of mild depression hours ago. I actually noticed nowadays that I have been eating a lot for no reason at all. I was really hungry actually. Then I have realized that it was triggered by something deeper. Something more personal and more sensitive in the deepest part of me. My desire to have someone, a guy to love me as a girl. As his lady.

I have been seeing couples, bombarded by people in a relationship while I am here sailing all alone. I felt sad so I just ate and ate. Then today, somehow I hit rock bottom. I needed to tell God everything and ask for His grace. Then He gave me these verses.

I was actually having a feeling that He already forgot that aspect of my life but no, He has not. He has His plans and yes, just like our parents who only want what is best for us what more He who can love us more than they do.

I was and still am blessed by these verses.My soul has been lifted up. I thank God for these answers. No matter, He has not forgotten His promises. All I need to do is to trust Him and let go of my control, my worries, everything that gives doubt to what I believe about Him.

I am now going to rest minutes from now. At least, the ended with these kind of blessing. I am thankful.Simply thankful.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wait Patiently

“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 NLT

Wait patiently for the Lord. What do I still wait for? My partner in life. Yes. I still do and deep inside me I still want to become a wife, a mother and a homemaker someday. Yet, I guess my season of waiting is still ongoing. I need to be reminded from time to time to wait patiently on Him and be courageous enough to remain in my beliefs and brave enough to fight for I know what is right regarding this area of my life. I will be patient and be brave and courageous to fully trust God and let Him handle my concerns with care. I will wait patiently and will still keep on praying until one day, He answers what I have been praying for.


Thank You again for this day and for this night of prayer and short devotion. Somehow, I was able to take a rest and I am having this feeling that I will have a good time again tomorrow though I am expecting to be physically tired. Father, thank You so much and may You touch the hearts of my superiors to allow me to be absent in the morning of October 28 just to enroll. I have gone this far already all because of Your grace and guidance. This is just the last step until I get there. Thank You Lord. Goodnight and Amen.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Proverbs 31:30

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised..." -Proverbs 31:30, NLT-

I am reminded of this for after talking with a guy friend, I felt quite let's say, "unpretty" for we looked at women who were the epitome of beauty of this world. He even said that those women had it all.

I know that I am not what you may call conventional beauty. I still have a chubby body, my nose is flat and quite big. But they don't have to define me. They are not the sum and totality of my being, my definition as a woman. Yes, those women may be so attractive according to this world standards but I am beautiful because God made me to be and He has given me a lovely and loving heart. That alone can make me a thousand times lovelier. I am saying these things only not just to feel good about myself but also to remind me that physical beauty is not all that there is. There are personality, intelligence and most of all, Jesus who created everything and everyone beautiful in His sight.

I know I am beautiful inside and out. But I will give more focus on what is inside me. I will show more compassion, concern and mercy to those who need it. I will show more love specially to those who are seemingly unlovable. That is the true test of love actually. Loving those who don't and can't love you.

I am not going to do these things just to subconsciously uplift myself but to bring glory to Him who has given me everything. That they may see Christ in me. I don't have to prove anything anymore. I will just focus on honoring God and bring joy in His heart with all my actions and my speech.

Time for me to work now. But I will not cease thinking and meditating on this. I will live a life fearing the Lord, worshiping Him and thanking Him everyday. These are quite a feat, easier said than done but by His grace, I can do it. And I will do it. I will be a woman with godly and Christ-like character.