Monday, October 31, 2011

October 30, 2011

"May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done.” _Ruth 2:12,NLT-

This was said to Ruth by Boaz, her future husband. He saw from this woman great qualities and he knew what she did for her mother-in-law. In short, Ruth did the right things and made the best choice when she chose to be with God and His people.

Things will really fall into places when we make God our refuge. When we completely entrust to Him our lives which of course He graciously lends us everyday. Bad things may happen here and there but we are assured that God knows what is happening and He sees everything.

I will remember this verse and take this as one of His beautiful promises. I will just do good all by His grace so I can glorify His name and give Him honor. Knowing that someday, I will have my reward from Him. Not only for the reward will I do good but also for the love of Him and obedience to Him.

Lord, thank You for letting me read about Ruth again. I want to become like her, compassionate, loving, loyal and diligent. I want her to become my role-model.

Thank You Lord that I am assured that if I bring myself under Your wings things will just fall into places no matter what.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October 30, 2011

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
-1 Corinthians 10:31, NLT-

Dear Lord,

Did I glorify You again? Lord, this morning I had this urge to just fool around and I ended up going to the mall. I bought books again. I just love books but I lost some money again. I feel guilty about it. I mean, those were just loans from my mother and the money that is not yet with me is already "pawned" to her. Lord, this is shameful. I should have just saved those money for worse days. Lord, in everything be it in my finances or other areas of life, kindly give me wisdom and self-control. Let me do things for Your glory. Yet, I thank You for somehow not much money has been put into waste. I was able to find some good books that I can use for my study and leisure time. But I am thinking. With the rate of speed of my spending, no wonder I lose significant amount of resources.

Father, it is indeed true that You give us three valuable resources: time, money and our talents. Help me use each of them for Your glory, to help others, to make this world a better place. Lord, I believe that the reason I am still alive is because You want me to do something to let others know about You and live my life glorifying You.

Father, give me more wisdom. Lord, I am reminded of my debts. I will still pay for them. Give me wisdom Father God to use all my resources in godly ways, not wasteful ones. So that in everything that I do, I may glorify You and You alone.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Working For Good

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." -Romans 8:28, NLT-

Things sometimes do not happen the way we want them to. Sometimes setbacks happen and we get frustrated. But then as long as we know that God has a plan for our lives and everything works together for good then we can have an easier acceptance of things that happen to us.

I am not really feeling well now but God has a reason for this. All I need to do is to obey Him and trust Him completely with all my heart. I may not fully understand things but tomorrow and the days to come, I will. And I have learned my lessons. People are indeed more important than our selfish ambitions.

When I became a team leader, I was not so happy about the role but I had to accept it. Now, I have realized that God uses me in this area to show my concern and my love for others. Even to those who are not seemingly so. I am happy that God has been transforming me form glory to glory. All I need to do is just simply trust Him and completely at that.

Everything works together for our good. For my good. All I need to do is to obey and just obey. Be more faithful and just serve others the way God wants me to.

Lord, everything indeed works together for our good. And we simply just need to trust.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Isaiah 49:14-15

"Yet Jerusalem says, “The Lord has deserted us; the Lord has forgotten us.” “Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne?
But even if that were possible,I would not forget you!" -Isaiah 49:14-15, NLT-

I was having some bouts of mild depression hours ago. I actually noticed nowadays that I have been eating a lot for no reason at all. I was really hungry actually. Then I have realized that it was triggered by something deeper. Something more personal and more sensitive in the deepest part of me. My desire to have someone, a guy to love me as a girl. As his lady.

I have been seeing couples, bombarded by people in a relationship while I am here sailing all alone. I felt sad so I just ate and ate. Then today, somehow I hit rock bottom. I needed to tell God everything and ask for His grace. Then He gave me these verses.

I was actually having a feeling that He already forgot that aspect of my life but no, He has not. He has His plans and yes, just like our parents who only want what is best for us what more He who can love us more than they do.

I was and still am blessed by these verses.My soul has been lifted up. I thank God for these answers. No matter, He has not forgotten His promises. All I need to do is to trust Him and let go of my control, my worries, everything that gives doubt to what I believe about Him.

I am now going to rest minutes from now. At least, the ended with these kind of blessing. I am thankful.Simply thankful.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wait Patiently

“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 NLT

Wait patiently for the Lord. What do I still wait for? My partner in life. Yes. I still do and deep inside me I still want to become a wife, a mother and a homemaker someday. Yet, I guess my season of waiting is still ongoing. I need to be reminded from time to time to wait patiently on Him and be courageous enough to remain in my beliefs and brave enough to fight for I know what is right regarding this area of my life. I will be patient and be brave and courageous to fully trust God and let Him handle my concerns with care. I will wait patiently and will still keep on praying until one day, He answers what I have been praying for.


Thank You again for this day and for this night of prayer and short devotion. Somehow, I was able to take a rest and I am having this feeling that I will have a good time again tomorrow though I am expecting to be physically tired. Father, thank You so much and may You touch the hearts of my superiors to allow me to be absent in the morning of October 28 just to enroll. I have gone this far already all because of Your grace and guidance. This is just the last step until I get there. Thank You Lord. Goodnight and Amen.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Proverbs 31:30

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised..." -Proverbs 31:30, NLT-

I am reminded of this for after talking with a guy friend, I felt quite let's say, "unpretty" for we looked at women who were the epitome of beauty of this world. He even said that those women had it all.

I know that I am not what you may call conventional beauty. I still have a chubby body, my nose is flat and quite big. But they don't have to define me. They are not the sum and totality of my being, my definition as a woman. Yes, those women may be so attractive according to this world standards but I am beautiful because God made me to be and He has given me a lovely and loving heart. That alone can make me a thousand times lovelier. I am saying these things only not just to feel good about myself but also to remind me that physical beauty is not all that there is. There are personality, intelligence and most of all, Jesus who created everything and everyone beautiful in His sight.

I know I am beautiful inside and out. But I will give more focus on what is inside me. I will show more compassion, concern and mercy to those who need it. I will show more love specially to those who are seemingly unlovable. That is the true test of love actually. Loving those who don't and can't love you.

I am not going to do these things just to subconsciously uplift myself but to bring glory to Him who has given me everything. That they may see Christ in me. I don't have to prove anything anymore. I will just focus on honoring God and bring joy in His heart with all my actions and my speech.

Time for me to work now. But I will not cease thinking and meditating on this. I will live a life fearing the Lord, worshiping Him and thanking Him everyday. These are quite a feat, easier said than done but by His grace, I can do it. And I will do it. I will be a woman with godly and Christ-like character.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119: 153-160 NLT

1. What was the psalmist asking God for (v. 153, 154)? Why do you think did he do this?
2. How do you usually cope with tough times? Where or to whom do you often turn to for help?
3. Knowing that God’s Word can preserve your life and save you, how will you allow God to do that for you today?

1. He did this maybe because of the intensity or the kind of trouble he was into at the time. And he knew that only God could help him and take him out of the pit he was headed to.

2. Before, I would resort to doing things that were not so beneficial for me. I would binge or would daydream a lot just to ease the pain. Yet, I don't know but I have become more in tuned with my reality now and I give credit to God for that. Now, I am praying more and asking Him more for wisdom and understanding as to how I would deal with any issue or dilemma coming my way.

3. I will let God's word transform and change me. I will let Him speak and talk to me. I will let Him do the talking. I will let Him guide me in every decision that I am going to make in my life.

" Lord, how great is Your mercy; let me be revived by following Your regulations."
-Psalm 119:156, NLT-

Lord, You know what I am going through right now. I am hurt because of the things that have been happening around me and the way people in my life have been treating me. I know, I need to get more of my confidence and self-worth from You but sometimes other people's treatment affects me that much. I must deal with this issue of self-acceptance and will let the people around me know that I am to be respected.

Looking back, I have seen what has been wrong with me and Lord, thank You for showing me my mistakes. Maybe I have not been treating myself with respect also that's why those people also do the same to me.

Lord, may I learn from Your word what am going to do with my situation now. I need to forgive those people but I will be cautious now as to whom should I let into my "inner circle." I will carefully choose my friends and if worst comes to worst that I will not find anyone trustworthy, then I will learn to get by on my own, with You of course.

Lord, this is just a learning experience. Thank You for teaching me many things. Thank You for the peace and love that I have in my heart. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119:145-152 NLT

1. How would you describe the intensity of the psalmist’s cry unto God in verses 147 to 149?
2. What area or concern in your life do you need to present to God now?
3. how much are you in faith that God will hear you when you call on Him?

1. The psalmist almost did not sleep at all just to ponder and think about God's love for him and his need for God's presence in his life. It was like his main source of life, his oxygen, his everything. He was so passionate for God that he equated life with Him.

2. I guess, the area wherein I needed to be assured that I am loved and accepted. The area I call "lovelife", the area that I am praying for a lifetime partner. I know, it should not be the main focus of my life but I have my needs too as a person, as a human, and as a woman. I sometimes feel bad about myself thinking I am not beautiful nor attractive enough to catch someone's attention. Yet, I must keep in mind that God has plans for me and I should not be bothered anymore by the odds around me. I need to give Him all the things that bother me and worry me.

3. I am not sure. May I have the kind of faith that God will listen to. May I have that faith that will call onto God automatically and not revert to other things just to ease the burden or pain that I am feeling. I pray for that kind of faith.

" In your faithful love, O Lord, hear my cry; let me be revived by following your regulations." -Psalm 119:149 NLT-

This is my prayer. That my soul will be revived again and will be totally healed by God's love and mercy for me. That my soul will once again feel the fullness of His love for me. Following His regulations is one of the keys for me to have a better understanding of Him and to be more secured in Him. To base my life and how I live it according to His word. According to what He says and thinks.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Psalm 119: 137-144 NLT

1.What made the psalmist trust God’s statutes (v. 140)?
2.In your life, why can you say that God’s Word is trustworthy?
3.How much do you trust God’s statutes?
4.What practical steps can you take for you to deepen your trust in God?

1. Because the psalmist was able to test God's love and the truthfulness of His Word maybe all throughout his lifetime.

2. It always rings true and practical. Whatever that God says, it really happens.

3. I fall sometimes specially as regards my faith. Sometimes I do not trust His Word enough to feel sure and confident about myself. I am easily swayed by what others say and the things that happen around me. I pray that God will deal with me in this area of my life.

4. First I guess is the amount of time and the real time that I devote to meditate and study God's Word. These past few days and weeks, I had been in such an emotional and really deep spiritual limbo that I found myself lying on the ground again. Good thing the Lord picked me up and gave me quite a "spanking" that I already learned my lesson. But this is going to be a day to to day dependence on Him for I might stumble again.

" Your laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live."
Psalm 119:144 NLT

This is my prayer. That God will give me a daily and ample dose of understanding of His Word that I will be able to live the life that He has always wanted me to have. I had been into such a tempest and I thank Him for getting me out of that trouble. I thought something really bad happened for me to feel bad about myself but upon reflection, I have realized that it was indeed a blessing in disguise. For I have seen and learned many things and one of the best things that happened to me was I was able to finally fully let go of that very wrong person first in my head and in my heart.

Lord, please always give me understanding. Help me Father not to compromise anymore. Just to follow You and disregard whatever the people around me will say. I will discriminate and choose carefully the advice given me and will look into what You have to say before I plunge into something, head first. Lord, thank You for Your mercy, Your grace and Your love for me. Enough to save me from my own follies.

Give me strength to just follow You and keep Your word in my heart and live by them day by day.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Psalm 119: 129-136 NLT

1.How did the psalmist see God’s statutes? Because of this, how did he respond to the Word?
2.Why do you think did the psalmist respond the way he did in verse 136? How much can you relate to him in this?
3.Which of God’s commands do you think you need to put to practice today? How will you do this?

1. He thought that God's laws were wonderful worthy to be obeyed. He considered the Word of God the main source of his life. Most precious than anything or anyone else.

2. Because he loved God's word so much. It was his life, itself. How can you not love something that gives you life? In my case, I feel sad each time I see or hear people doing things that do not conform with the word of God. Something inside me cries out, something inside me becomes crestfallen. I just feel sad. Terribly sad.

3. Many. Specially when it has something to do with my speech and my thoughts. This day, unholy and sinful thoughts plagued my mind again. Too bad, I entertained them so my emotions joined in. Now, I am feeling upset again being deceived by my emotions at the same time, condemned by my conscience. One important teaching I learned from God is "do not be yoked together with unbelievers (2 Cor.6:14."

I see now the wisdom of God each time He says that. Like in my case, I have been surrounded by my "unbelieving" friends so it is mostly trash that gets into my mind. And I suffer the consequences. I am going to ask God to give me wisdom regarding this issue but may He always give me strength to deal with this area in my life.

In Reflection:

" Guide my steps by Your word, so I will not be overcome by evil."
-Psalm 119: 133,NLT-

Lord, this is my prayer. May Your word always stick into my mind that I may always do the right thing in Your eyes. I don't want to be overcome by evil Father but I will overcome it through You and the power of Your word. Father, forgive me of my sinful and bad ways and change me Lord God from glory to glory. Not mine, but Yours.
Lord, guide me in everything. Guide me so that the enemy will not have any chance to hurt me of to endanger me.
Thanks a lot, dear Father in heaven.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Psalm 119: 121-128 NLT

1.What did the psalmist ask for in order to understand God’s statutes (v. 125)?
2.How did the psalmist describe God’s commands (v. 127)?
3.How much do you treasure God’s commands? How is this shown in the way you live?

1. The psalmist asked for discernment. Deeper understanding. One that God impresses.
2. More than the finest gold, more than the most precious jewel in all the world.
3. I treasure it with all my heart. The question is, do I really show and act that I do?

In Reflection:

"Don’t leave me to the mercy of my enemies, for I have done what is just and right."
-Psalm 119:121,NLT-

Lord, this is my cry now. I know I have disappointed You again in many ways. Lord, I really find it quite difficult to obey You though my heart badly needs to obey You. Father, please do not let go of me. I need to be in Your hands. I want to do what is right but I am overcome by the world most of the time. Lord, I cry out to You. Have mercy on me.
I feel like I am alone. Please be here, there and everywhere with me. I want to just obey You and follow You. I will choose You above anything else. Lord, lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil, amen.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119: 113-120

"Lord, sustain me as you promised, that I may live! Do not let my hope be crushed.
Sustain me, and I will be rescued; then I will meditate continually on your decrees."
-Psalm 119: 116-120, NLT-

Lord, this is my prayer now. I want to bang my head and give myself some good spanking for having not learned my lesson specially when it comes to money. Lord, right now, I am thinking. Thinking about the way I have been handling and budgeting my resources. I am living from paycheck to paycheck and it is just so pathetic. Really it is. I have been neglectful and careless with it since I started working. Lord, help me in this area. I want to save money without neglecting myself. I also want to save for medical expenses> Lord, I don't have money now. I only have my exact fare for this week and it is just so pathetic. Really pathetic. It's as if I am in really dire need.

Lord, this is my prayer. Sustain me financially and most of all spiritually. I want to obey You and just please Lord help me use my resources according to Your will. Rescue me Father before I waste away everything that You have been giving me. Father God, thank You so much. Thank You for Your help and for Your guidance. Sustain me and help me become more faithful and more obedient to You. I will keep in mind that what I am receiving is not really mine but from You so I must handle everything with proper care and love. I will depend on Your word regarding this. Amen.

Anger and Discipline

"The Lord is compassionate and merciful,slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever." -Psalm 103:8-9,NLT-

I know I have done lots of mistakes today. It was like I was blaming God for everything that happened to me and even in my mind thought of touching the money intended for Him.
Lord, You see how dark my heart is and how sinful I am. Forgive me.
Lord, I am really so sorry. I am. Help me to change the way I see and view things in my life. Things may not be easy but by Your grace, I can change. I will change. Everything. From the way I handle my finances to the way I handle my relationships and my temper. Help me Lord for now I see the follies and mistakes that I made. You indeed cannot be mocked for what we sow, we indeed reap. So if we sow something bad, then we will get only bad fruits. Lord, help me. Help me to change my ways. Thank You so much, Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119:105-112 NLT

1.What was the psalmist’s response to suffering and trials (v. 107, 110)?
2.How is God’s Word “a lamp to your feet and a light to your path” (v. 105)?
3.How committed are you to keep God’s decrees? How can you put this truth into practice today?

1. He called on to God. He set his heart to just hold on to God's commandments and follow Him. Obey Him with all his heart.

2. He guides me to the right path. His words serve as my guidepost each time I need to decide on something. Without His word, I would never know how to live my life accordingly and righteously. God will show me the way to lead a life that is pleasing to Him.

3. I will commit myself by His grace. I will just rely on His word and listen when the Holy Spirit admonishes me. When I feel the gentle tug in my heart.

In Reflection:
Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart’s delight.
I am determined to keep your decrees to the very end.
-Psalm 119: 111-112,NLT-

Lord, I want to live like this. I want to keep Your decrees, Your laws. You are calling me to live a pleasing life. Lord, forgive me for lying. For bending the truth. I am so sorry. That was the consequence of my sin which was gossiping. You just showed me my flaws and for that, I thank You. Help me to just hold on to You, to live a life that pleases You. Give me the strength to not get hurt when some people would shut me out of their lives just because I choose to obey You. I will put most value to our relationship among anything else. Lord, just give me the grace. Your grace and Your strength. Thank You Father, amen.

Feeling Invincible

"How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?" -Galatians 3:3, NLT-

The verse that I need right now. Many things happened today and I could say that I got through them feeling unscathed. Yet, I could feel that something in me, something dangerous has stirred up in me again and that is this thing I call negative pride.

I honestly felt so self-sufficient and very smart again. I knew I handled the troubling situations I had today with flair. I almost forgot that God was the One who gave me all the way out.

I want to feel afraid. Not that fear that paralyzes and makes me think irrationally but one that will draw me closer to God knowing that I cannot do things on my own. If ever I was successful, it was because of God helping me and holding my hand and not me fully and arrogantly believing myself. No. I will just hold on to God.I will let Him keep me. And admonish me if my heart needs some admonition.

Lord, help me not to feel invincible out of my own accord. Help me to feel powerful because I know I have You in my life. You hold me and keep me under Your wings. Thank You so much for helping me and for keeping me safe and for helping me find a way out. Thank You for showing me my gray areas. Thank You Lord and I will just get my strength from You. Always.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Doing Good

" And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him." -Acts 10:38, NLT-

I was offended by others. I got hurt of course. Yet, I have realized that I have been selfish myself for the longest time already. I have realized that I was only thinking of my own welfare and good and was focused more on self-preservation than doing good to others. I thought I was good, that what I was doing was right until God showed me the arrogance, the shallowness and the self-righteousness in me.

I want to do good to others. Just like Jesus. The kind of goodness that really comes from the heart and not to be seen by others. The kind of goodness that comes from God, loving others even if they are unlovable or seemingly so most of the time. I have realized that even if someone has wronged me, I am still to love that person because that is what true Christianity is. God sees everything and regardless of the negative actions thrown at me, my business is still to do good. Just like Jesus. My human nature cannot do that; Only by the grace of God, the power that the Holy Spirit gives me.

Lord, You just want me to love and to do good to others regardless if they do not love me back. I am not to expect anything in return. I will keep in mind that I am doing good because of Your love for me, the goodness that comes from a humble, grateful and obedient heart that seeks to please and follow You. Thank You Lord for the lessons. I thank the Holy Spirit for the power He has been giving me. I also thank Jesus for the good example that He set before us. Lord, thank You for Your kindness and for the lessons I learn from You. Amen.

Crave: Psalm 119: 97-104

1.What benefits does meditating on God’s Word bring?
2.How did the psalmist respond when he came to understand God’s precepts (v. 104)?
3.How will you express your love for God’s law today?

1. Many. First, it brings one peace we cannot get from anything this world offers. A peace that gives us a quiet heart and at ease mind. Then lessons learned so we may be able to thread this life accordingly. It also gives us shield against the enemy's attacks.

2. It gave him understanding that he hated every lies this worldly life offers. This world has many things to offer us that if we would not be careful we would be easily and aimlessly sidetracked and do things that are hateful and detestable to God. Through His word, we will gain understanding and wisdom to live by. The psalmist knew all of these.

3. By giving it more and real time of my life. By making the studying and reading of His word the number one priority in my life. Nothing and no one comes first except my time and communication with Him. My time with His word. To contemplate and meditate on what He says and most of all by putting them into practice. My life is patterned according to them.

In Reflection:

" Oh, how I love your instructions! I think about them all day long."
-Psalm 119:97, NLT-

I had problems and real issues in life specially in the area of thinking and thoughts. I have been plagued and bothered by things in my mind that would eventually lead me into committing sinful acts. I have realized that I could never obey God without His help. Without His word. Good thing, just like this verse, I have realized that I can conquer the enemy's attack on my mind by submitting them to God and just meditating on what He says. I will, by His grace just think about what His word says and not follow my feelings and even my thinking alone. It is good that God has made me see and realize my mistakes and my arrogance that I could follow Him out of my own accord. Good thing that He opened my eyes on the importance and necessity of reading, studying, memorizing and following His word.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you fee"
-John 8:32, NLT-

I am living a lie. It may not be obvious but I am. With all those imagination and fantasies that I have inside my head, those are already tantamount to a life living a lie. I may be physically present but my mind is somewhere in time, a time my wild imagination has created with people and a certain person I have already idealized. Yet, that's the reason why I am in "bondage." Because I let the devil take his stronghold.
I need to rely on Jesus, the truth Himself. I need to ask Him to help me gradually change the way my mind and imagination work.

Lord Jesus, help me. Help me with my thoughts. Help me to live in the truth and it is right now, my circumstances now, everything that happens and I have NOW. Help me not to meditate and ponder on things based on lie and deception coming from the enemy. I know I am on the right track because I am being under attacked by him. Thank You, Father. I need Your help badly specially in the area of my thought life. Thank You Lord for this day, amen.

Crave: Psalm 119: 89-96 NLT

1.How is God’s Word “eternal,” as described in these verses?
2.In verse 95, how did the psalmist respond to those who threatened to attack him? Why do you think he responded that way?
3.What steps will you take to put this truth into action today?

1. God's Word stands firm in heaven. Firm means consistent, unwavering, rooted, always there. Constant, will never change.

2. He quietly waited on God and depended on Him. The key word here is "quietly." Meaning he was at peace, nothing worried him for he knew that Someone up there, Someone so strong, reliable and constant was up there seeing everything, watching him and protecting him.

3. I am plague with negative emotions again. Negative thinking and unhealthy imagination. I will look into God's Word and I'll let Him do the talking now. I will just quietly let Him take the hold of my heart and mind. I will just wait on Him quietly. Whatever happens, by His grace, I will hold on to Him. I will keep His words inside my heart.

In Reflection:

"If your instructions hadn’t sustained me with joy, I would have died in my misery."
-Psalm 119: 92, NLT-

I can fully relate with the psalmist now. Right now, I am bombarded by negative emotions again. Hate, bitterness, jealousy, sense of inadequacy and envy are slowly creeping into my heart. Yet, thank God, He is in my life, He has never let me down and has never let me go so deep in my self-created misery. The enemy indeed knows where and when to target me. Yet, God is with me. I could never imagine my life without Him or else it is already tantamount to death. Death of my physical body and most specially my spirit. I thank Him for His word that gives me encouragement now.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119: 81-88

1.Despite his feelings, what did the psalmist choose to do?
2.How can trusting what God says help us through a time of waiting?
3.What specific Bible verses can you hold on to as you wait for God’s next move?

1. The psalmist, despite his seemingly negative feelings still chose to wait on God and hope in His Word.

2. It helps us to wait eagerly, patiently and with all our heart for we know that He is alive, He knows, He listens and He understands. He also has His own ways far beyond what our minds can conceive He can do. In my case, it helps me to just hold on to Him, to call on Him and to pray. To tell Him everything that I have in mind and my feelings. I am assured that He listens and He knows.

3. I think I need to have a review, big time. I cannot remember the numbers of the passages but here are some: Every good and perfect gift comes from Him; Two is better than one; He makes all things beautiful in His time; Everything works for good to those who love Him; He gives me hope and a future and many others. And then I am still bothered from time to time. Whew!

In Reflection:
"I am worn out waiting for your rescue, but I have put my hope in your word."
-Psalm 119:81-

This message is just so timely for me. This is what I need now. I was not feeling good a while ago, my emotions were fooling me and lying to me again until I was given this message. There's no other option for me but to just pray, open my heart to God and just trust Him and trust Him with all my heart. I will listen to my heart but I will think and depend on God's Word more. I will acknowledge how I feel but will not live by it alone. Everything will be just according to God's laws and promises to me.
I will put my hope in His Word.

I will put my hope in You, Father God.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119:73-80 NLT

1.As the psalmist lived his life, many eyes were on him. How can you relate with him? How do you feel about the truth that people are watching you?
2.Where did the psalmist get his confidence to live for God even under the scrutiny of the world?
3.Why can we be confident on choosing to remain on God’s side even amidst opposition (Romans 8:31, 2 Corinthians 4:16)?

1. As a professing Christian, I know that many people though subtlety watch me from afar. They watch and check on my actions, my speech and how I relate to others. I am not careful most of the time and sadly that recklessness brings shame to God's name. I will from now on really call on to God to help me obey Him and follow Him so that I will not again stumble and become a stumbling block as well.

2. He got his confidence from the God, Himself and His Word. He knew that God through His word showed him his unfailing love and gave him enough hope and confidence to live in this world.

3. Because God is for us, (Romans 8:31), and our spirits are being renewed day by day though our bodies are falling apart, (2 Cor. 4:16). God sustains us. He is the main source of our life, of our hope. He who created everything, who knows everything, the One who started it all and would soon end it all. The all-powerful and mighty One. Who could not be confident in these?

In Reflection:

"You made me; You created me. Now give me the sense to follow Your commands."
-Psalm 119:73,NLT-

The Lord knows everything about me.. He is my Creator. He knows what can make me happy and what ticks me off. He knows everything and I could hide nothing from Him. I have always wanted to obey Him and fully at that but it is hard. I still need Him even if it is obeying Him. I have realized that I still badly need Him in every aspect of my life. In all. There's nothing I can do without Him. Good thing is that he knows, He admonishes and He understands.

"I know, O Lord, that your regulations are fair; You disciplined me because I needed it."
-Psalm 119:75, NLT-

Lord, You cannot be mocked. You cannot be outwitted. You are all-knowing and Your ways are just. Lord, You have made me suffer in some areas of my life because You are teaching me my lessons. You discipline me so that I will not do those things ever again. It is so shameful to have this disease but this is just a reminder that I must and should only use my eyes and all other parts of my body for Your service, for Your glory and for the spreading of Your love. I thank You for this discipline. Thanks a lot for helping me find a way out. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119: 65-72 NLT

1.From this passage, where did the psalmist run to when he was facing affliction? How did this benefit him?
2.How has God helped you through His Word when you faced tough situations before?
3.What are you currently facing? How do you think can God’s Word help you at this time?

1. He ran to God. His afflictions helped him know his mistakes and they helped him become a better person.

2. He gave encouragement and taught me the things that I needed to do to make it through.

3. Right now, I am facing unexplainable things that happen in my body. God I think is just teaching me to use all the parts of my body for His glory and not to serve myself.

In Reflection:

This verse struck me most:

" My suffering was good for me for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.
-Psalm 119:71, NLT-

I am having something unexplainable in my left eye now. It is like a swelling that just came from nowhere. Yesterday it was not here until I did some "stupid" things again using my eyes. Now, I am having this weird swelling. It actually scares me but I guess, this is God's way to admonish and discipline me as regards that hidden sin in my life that actually uses my eyes just to do it. Lord, I do not know. This is Your warning for me. Lord, I am scared. Forgive me. You know I don't have the money to go to the doctor just to have my check-up. You're the only One who can help me and take away this something in my left eye. Lord, help me to overcome that hidden sin in my life. Help me to use all the parts of my body to glorify You and to serve You. You have never intended each part of my body to be used selfishly and an instrument of the enemy. Father, I lift up to You this struggle. This is just all about my sinful nature. Thank You for because of this my eyes are opened again to do the right thing. You discipline me. You just want me to do what is right and lovely to Your eyes. Father, thank You for this lessons learned.Amen.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119: 57-64 NLT

1.How did the psalmist decide to respond to God’s Word? Why is it important to obey God’s commands immediately? What does “obeying God’s Word later” imply? Why?
2.How have you been obeying God’s Word so far?

1. He decided to respond hastily. Meaning quickly and right away. He did not delay. It is important to obey God this way so that we can live our lives according to how God wants us to live it. To obey God's word "later" is to not obey at all. It means we delay God's blessings in our lives and worst, it damages our relationship with God. It moves us so far away from Him which is tantamount to gradual spiritual death.

2. By reading His word, by thinking about the actions that I make. I still have many gray areas and I am still on the process on letting God work in my life all for His glory. I want to serve Him better so that I can obey Him in that aspect of my life.

Lord, I will obey. I want to serve You and Lord, I will join the ushering ministry so that I will learn to be more humble and to be closer to people. Then, I can use my musical gift again. Lord, heal me. Heal my voice. Help me to become more like Your servant and may I always serve You well and obey You.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119: 49-56 NIV

1.What did the psalmist do to God in verse 49? What promise has God given you that you can claim?
2.The psalmist took comfort in God’s “ancient laws.” What experience did you have with God seeing you through past circumstances?
3.How does remembering God’s promises in His Word help you persevere through tough times?

1. He asked that God would remember His promises to him from His word for those promises gave him hope. God has promised me many beautiful things that He would do in my life. I could claim each one of those. Every good and perfect gift comes from Him, He would give me a home and that He would give me hope and future. Many wonderful and lovely promises that God is working in my life right now.

2. Many. He has taken me out of self-made "graves", He has taken me out of the dark and He has been so protective that He even made ways just for me to stop all my stupidities. It was Him who orchestrated things so that I would be out of those circumstances and far away from those people who would not do me any good at all. He has lovingly admonished me and gave ways for me to just be beside Him.

3. Those promises give me hope enough for me to just move forward and enough strength for me to just go on specially when I am under the enemy's attack. I hold on to His promises for the very hope they give makes me avoid doing mistakes that would just eventually destroy my life. God has been good to me. He has been so loving and patient with me.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119: 41-48 NIV

1.Why do you think was the psalmist so confident about God’s Word?
2.Why can we trust and put our hope in the Word of God?
3.How much do you trust the Bible? Why do you trust God’s Word?

1. The psalmist was confident because he knew that he could depend on God's word in everything that he did. He knew that God's word was so powerful it could change someone's lie for the better. He was aware that His word was powerful. He knew that. And that we must recognize everyday.

2. Because His words are powerful. It is from God, Himself. It's from God, simply as that. And we all know that in only in God we can trust wholeheartedly and completely.

3. I trust it with all my heart and with all my life. There is no other better blueprint for our lives than the Bible. No other piece of advice nor any other self-help book could equal God's word from the Bible. They do help but not as much as when we are being touched and stirred and changed by the Bible. It is our main source of life and healing.
I trust God's word because simply they come from God.

Thank You Father for we know that we can trust and depend on Your Word. Thank You so much that we have the Bible and we can freely read and study it as much as we want to.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119: 33-40 NIV

1.Whose help is the psalmist asking? What was he asking God to do for him?
2.What common hindrances or challenges stop people from living according to God’s Word?
3.How can God help you follow His Word today?

1. The psalmist was asking for God's help. He was seeking His guidance in his life. He was asking that God may give him understanding and yes, guidance so he can live his life in a meaningful manner led by Him.

2. Distractions. I think it depends on the person being "distracted". Like in my case, I am distracted by things about my relationship with other people and the opposite sex, things that I think are important etc., etc. I am also bothered by unfounded worries and concerns that would prove senseless in the end specially if I only had trusted God fully and faithfully. Those things indeed stop me from living according to His Word.

3. By reading and following His Word. By seeking His guidance and His wisdom. By reading on and digging deeply into the Bible.

In Your Words, Father, I gain insight and understanding. Help me Lord in all my ways. Thank You, Father. Amen.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119: 25-32 NIV

1.What was the psalmist asking God to do in verses 25, 28, and 31?
2.In what area or concern in your life do you need God to intervene?
3.What promises in God’s Word can you claim for your current situation?

1. To preserve his life according to His Word (v.25), to strengthen him according to His Word (v.28) and to not let him be put to shame (v.31).

2. In the area of having a lifetime partner. To remain sexually pure and to be the godly woman God wants me to be. To keep my vow of purity until I am married and given to that person God commanded to take care of me. Also, the purity of my heart when dealing with others. May I not have and arrogant and proud heart. I need God's intervention in these areas.

3. His promise that everything will be beautiful in His time, that every good and perfect gift comes only from Him and that He will give me a home. Not now but soon. And I claim and will stand on His promises.

Lord, this message is really timely for me. Thank You very much for Your reminders and admonition. Amen.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119:17-24 NIV

1.When you hear the word “law,” how does it make you feel?
2.How does verse 18 help you change your perspective or impression on God’s law?
3.For you, how is God’s law a delight?

1. It has a power-like connotation for me. Somehow, it sounds a bit restricting and so serious. Somethings high and quite beyond your reach. It comes strongly for me.It makes me feel quite intimidated.

2. That God's laws give joy to us rather uptight restriction. We can find happiness and contentment from His laws. His laws are so different from the way us, humans, define them. His laws have more power, power to enlighten us and set us free.

3. When it gives me direction. When it shows me the right path to take, the right decisions to make. God's laws actually give me peace and quietness only the good Lord can give.

God's Laws are my counselors. They give me direction and the right path to take. They light my way.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119:9-16 NIV

1. To live a pure life, what is the secret according to these verses?
2. How did the psalmist hide God’s Word in his heart (v. 15,16)?
3. How does this apply to you today?

1. According to verse 9, it's all about living according to God's Word. To live according to what the Bible says. Simple as that but not so simple actually.

2. The psalmist meditated on God's Word and in fact was delighted and happy upon entering God's presence. Reading and studying God's Word was not a mundane and boring task for him but actually a joyful and wonderful moment communing and interacting with God.

3. I felt last night how beneficial it is for me to just read and study God's Word day and night. I was able to sleep well without my mind wandering somewhere else, without me thinking of those bad and malicious thoughts about others and I woke up so good. It was indeed a good time and I look forward to doing this lovely routine everyday. God's Word enlightens everyone and teaches us on what are we to do with the life that we have.

I will always remember this verse:

" Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time" Ecclesiastes 3:11a, NLT

I was so blessed by the testimony of Ms. May and her husband. They had been waiting for her to get pregnant for how many years already and even tried everything just to conceive but to no avail. Maybe they also had their own struggles and pains and maybe impatience was their constant companion during those times. And now, she's pregnant just when they learned to let go and just opened themselves to whatever God asked them to do. And He gave them what they have always wanted. God indeed has His own timing and He will make everything beautiful in its own time. Now is the time for me to be more faithful and patient and just wait on Him with joy and peace in my heart. And I will make the most out of my time until the day that He will finally answer my prayers and will give me what He has promised.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Crave: Psalm 119: 1-8 NIV

1.Why do you think did the psalmist desire to walk in God’s decrees?
2.In verse 4, how should we respond to God’s precepts?
3.How much do you desire to walk in God’s Word? What steps do you think can help you live out what God says?

1. So that he would know what to do with his life and he would not be put to shame, committing mistakes that would cost him everything good even his life, itself.

2. We have to respond to it with full and right obedience. Obedience that is not half-done but done with all our heart and soul.

3. I desire it with all my heart but I stumble most of the time. I think I should live my life according to what His Words say. To live my life in full and all faithfulness.

The steps that I can undertake are just like these, spending time to read and think through everything that God has been leading me to read about His Word. To spend more time with His Word and to invest more of my time with Christian friends and others who can uplift my faith. I must remember that God works in my life. I am becoming impatient again, thinking that God has been stalling the things I have always wanted in my life. I must remember what the pastor in Victory said yesterday that during those times when God seems to be quiet and unresponsive, those are times that He gives me chances to become more faithful and just honest-to-goodness faithful to Him. I must remember to just keep on walking in His Word, to live by them and to remember them always. Sadly, sometimes my so-called "unbeliever" friends are the ones who remind me to become more faithful to God and to do the right thing.

Lord, help me to obey You and to walk according to what Your Word says. Thank you for this time, thank you for this moment. Amen.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20, 2011- Wednesday

Ephesian 5:17-21 NLT

17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. 18 Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, 19 singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. 20 And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 21 And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

I am thinking carefully of what verse 17 is saying. To not act thoughtlessly but understand what the Lord wants me to do. These days, I have noticed how much I lived my life just for the sake of living it and then complacently and carelessly wait for tomorrow and do the same routines over and over again. The question now is where am I headed? I used to have direction, I thought my path was already straight but here came distractions and stony, thorny paths along the way, I was thrown off balanced and I felt losing the vision I once had. In turn, I have just unconsciously lived my life aimlessly.

My actions these days have been so foolish and dumb that I want to give myself some good and painful spanking and bang on the head. But who am I to hurt myself? It is God's role to admonish and reprimand me.

Good thing is it is vacation time so I have lots of time to think about my life, where it is going and why am I still living. I don't live for nothing. I keep on thinking about my future without realizing that the future I am waiting for has already started and it has started now. I don't want to look at yesterday anymore for it was already done over with and there's no point looking back.

God wants me to think and reflect on my life. And by His grace and mercy, do something meaningful and productive about it. It is not yet too late. I will remember to fill my heart with songs and music that glorify Him and always in everything give thanks to Him for everything that He has done regardless of my bad and questionable behaviors.

He just wants me to live my life to the fullest, the one that He planned for me to have.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011 Sunday

"The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple." Psalm 19:7 NLT

I like the part that says, "the instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul."
My spiritual life has spiraled downward and almost all aspects of my life have been affected. Now, I am drawing myself to God again, asking Him to help me and keep myself grounded again in His Word. I can never do things alone and I can never have the self-control and discipline that I have always wanted if I would do things on my own out of my own strength. I need God in my life and His rules, His instructions are the main lifeline, the source of life of my faith. His Word restores my soul and brings life back again to my almost dying and decadent spirit.
Lord, I know I still have a long way to go. I don't know what will happen to me tomorrow or the days to come. All I know is that I just want to anchor my life to You, to just depend on You and focus on You. I am only human and I commit mistakes most of the time. Please, help me handle my life. Help me Lord and may I always draw my wisdom and strength from You. Your Words give life to me again.
Thank You so much and may I continue to press on and just get on with You by my side. Please carry me. Renew my spirit.